Hey all, I was just going through some pictures from the summer, and I realized that I forgot to post this one. Fatumata was born sometime in August, to one of my host mother’s sisters. It was pretty amazing, I got to hold her when she was only about six hours old. In this picture, she must be about one week old, I’m pretty sure this was taken on the day of her naming ceremony (notice the shaven head).
Also, I want to draw attention to her awesome Burt and Ernie eyebrows. Women here shave their eyebrows and draw them on in bright colors (gold! Metallic purple!)when they dress up, but I think its pretty atrocious when they do it to babies. Atrocious or awesome. My favorite is when the baby moves while they draw them on, so all day the brows are uneven and looks like the baby is smirking. Anyway, it’s a fashion choice from which no baby is safe.
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