Well rainy season is finally here, which means that mango season(oh hell yes) is also here and hungry season is not far behind (the time when the dry season harvest is running short, and the rainy season crops have not matured). The rains have truly been a blessing because during the day not only has it been hot, but its been incredibly humid. Mostly the rains have come at night, sometimes they last for hours, accompanied by lots of thunder and lightning. The downside is that even though the rains are pleasant when they come, as soon as they’re over it goes right back to being humid, and I go right back to laying in a puddle of my sweat. Nothing is dry. My skin is never dry, my clothes are never dry even when left in the sun, everything smells moldy, food goes bad more quickly. And there is more insects. Right now all the streets are a big muddy mess such that is impossible to get anywhere without wading through sticky mud. That said, it is nice to have everything green around me, rather than dust colored. Despite it’s discomforts, I like this season.
Mangos are out in full force. They are so plentiful that many rot beneath the trees. I had big plans for a mango-drying initiative in order to preserve them throughout the year. But as I stated above, getting anything dry is a problem. The mosquito-net tent that worked well for drying bananas has not been so successful with mangos just because its so humid out. Even when left in the sun, the fruit just ferments out there. So I’m not sure what I’m going to have to do about that. Probably just eat some more mangos. Think it over.
Hey, check out this bug. He’s about the size of my thumbnail and only comes out after the rains. Pretty, isn’t he?
Addendum: Hey, know what’s fun? Having it pour torrential rain, sideways, plus having the shits due to probably eating too many mangos, therefore having to go out to the pit latrine every 15 minutes or so.
Lesson learned.
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